10 Ways A Marketing Firm Can Help Your Business

Nov 13, 2017

Marketing is one of those aspects of business that many owners think they can do on their own. But tackling it on your own might not get you the results you’re looking for.

You have other things to focus on, right? Running a business shouldn’t involve you running around like a chicken without its head.

Think about it: if you had someone else to take the load off, wouldn’t you take that opportunity?

That’s where hiring a marketing firm comes into play.

These people are there to do one important thing: to remind your customers you exist.

Here, we’ll take you through some convincing reasons to hire a marketing firm. Ready to find out?

Here we go!

Digital Marketing is Cost Effective

Social media accounts are free to create and so are some email platforms. Your marketing firm can work with what you have already or they can set up accounts for you.

When it comes to cost, monthly automated marketing comes out cheaper than hiring an in-house employee.

When you hire an employee, you need to take into consideration their salary, along with benefits ranging from healthcare to paid time off.

While that may sound manageable, the salary plus benefits average out to be 1.25 to 1.4 times the salary. You can easily be paying an employee hundreds of thousands of dollars.

They Pinpoint Your Ideal Audience

Finding where your audience is can be just as frustrating as developing buyer personas. Your ideal audience can either be too broad or too narrow.

You want to meet somewhere in the middle in order to succeed. Marketing companies understand this can be difficult for a lot of business owners to overcome.

Without knowing exactly the type of people your audience consists of, any attempted marketing efforts will fail. You’re technically buying ad space for nothing.

That’s thousands of dollars wasted already.

A marketing firm will go over the product you sell and which market it would best be suited for. They’ll know their ages, locations, interests, and budget.

They’ll save you time and money.

You won’t have to run A and B tests to decide who your ideal audience is.

Builds Brand Reputation

When you’re constantly engaging with your customer base, word gets around. People love brands that take an interest in getting to know who’s buying their product.

But when you don’t make time in the day to do so, it gives people a sense that they come second to you. Customers are the heart of many businesses and without them, many would shut down.

A marketing firm will help you deliver your brand’s promises by making your customers the priority. They can tailor campaigns that’ll suit them to a “T”.

They know what makes your audience tick and what they like and don’t like.

This helps you build a reputation that’s nothing but good. Thus, it turns regular visitors into loyal customers.

When this happens, people are more than happy to share their great experiences with their friends and family.

Get a Better ROI with a Marketing Firm

Getting a return on your investment is vital. If you spend money on something that doesn’t work, it’s not only money that’s wasted, but time as well.

You want to be wise with your business endeavours and invest in things that’ll technically pay for themselves. You need something that’s effective in both cost and growth.

Digital marketing triumphs over traditional media methods because of its effectiveness and popularity. With the latter, the cost can run small and medium-sized businesses into the ground.

Billboards range in the tens of thousands of dollars. A 30-second commercial spot ranges the same.

Digital marketing is cheaper and reaches more people.

The more people it reaches, the better chance you have at gaining more leads and making more conversions. The cost of digital marketing makes up for itself in the long run.

It gains you new customers and tracks the efforts taken to find those customers.

It’s like getting a roadmap that specifically explains the best route to take to find new audience members.

They Use CTAs to Entice Visitors

One part of digital marketing that’s foolproof is the use of call-to-actions. These let people know what they’re supposed to do next.

Are they supposed to sign up for your newsletter? Download a special coupon code?

Clear instructions need to be written so that customers know what you want them to do.

But there’s more to it than you think. The placement, color of a button, and use of words all play a part of whether a visitor will take that action.

Digital marketers understand what will make them convert. They make clever use of CTAs to maximize the chance of you making a profit.

You’ll Stay Relevant Online

Smartphones, tablets and other tech devices are important in the lives of your customers more than ever. They rely on technology to keep them up to date with what’s going on in the world.

You need to keep up with it so you can continue to reach them. If you’re not where your audience is, how can you expect to survive?

A marketing firm takes your business to the customers by being where they are. Right now, that consist of being online constantly.

This also allows for anyone from any country to interact with a multitude of businesses. This can quickly grow the international side of your business as well.

Marketers keep an eye on up-and-coming technology so they can put their client’s steps ahead of the competition.

While they your competition is trying to figure out how the new thing works, you’ll already be established on it.

Your Business Will Survive

Not being a part of the online world can be your demise. Even if you have a brick and mortar, sales can be slow or non-existent at times.

Building an e-commerce store along with a brick and mortar could be the key to success. It’s a lot easier to guide visitors to a website than it is to a store.

It’s important to get those potential customers to buy. The way to do that is by having a marketing firm conduct an intensive targeting campaign to entice visitors to make a purchase.

This could be done by hosting a sale or collaborating with influencers. Whatever is going to make the most impact, marketers will do to get you more sales.

It Creates Frequency

There comes a time in every business’s life where you’ll be drowning in a sea of orders. The next month, all you hear are crickets.

Why does this happen?

Because your business hasn’t built up any frequency. You need customers to see your offers constantly.

When they do, they keep you in the back of their minds.

This leads to sales.

Businesses that pop up one day and are gone the next don’t do so well.

That’s because people see them and then they vanish without a trace. But when people are seeing your brand constantly, it’s a great way to start building trust.

You Get More Than What You Paid For

If you’re thinking all you’re going to get with a marketing firm is just marketing, think again. These firms are made up of professionals with wide backgrounds.

For every great campaign, there needs to be an equally great graphic or picture. They can even tweak your website so it’ll attract more visitors.

The best investment any business can make is one that’ll give you more than what you bargained for. Marketing agencies are sometimes all-in-one. They do everything from web design to business strategy.

This adds more value while giving you what you need.


When faced on your own, marketing can become difficult and time-consuming. It takes you away from your everyday business routines.

Instead of worrying if you’re marketing efforts are enough, hire an agency that knows the ins and outs.

You’ll end up thanking yourself.

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