How Much Does a NUANS Business Search Cost in Ontario?
There are more than 400,000 businesses registered in Ontario today. Some are large, some are small, but all of them have one thing in common.
They do business under a name. For some, that name may be completely unique.
For incorporated businesses, then needed to ensure their name was available by obtaining a NUANS Name Reservation Report.
How much does a NUANS report cost, and when should you pay for one in Ontario? This guide will go over the answers.
Determining the Type and Cost of NUANS Reports
There are two different types of NUANS searches you can conduct. The first is called a NUANS Preliminary Search. The second is the NUANS Name Reservation Report.
Both preliminary searches and Name Reservation Reports make use of the NUANS database. Which one you get can determine the cost.
So, how much is a NUANS business search?
Here at Opstart we provide a Free NUANS Preliminary Search with instant search results online, saving you both time and money.
The preliminary search is limited in scope, however. It only comes up with exact matches in the database. This can be helpful if you’re still trying to decide what name you want to register your corporation under.
If there are no exact matches, you can likely go ahead and use that name. If someone else is already using the name, then you may not be able to use it. If you operate in different areas, you could still use it, but you might want to think of something different.
The NUANS Name Reservation Report is much more detailed and uses a number of algorithms to provide a 7-page report of similar and potentially similar names. It is also the official name search document required to register an Ontario Corporation.
At Opstart, we charge $48+HST and the NUANS Name Reservation Report is delivered by email within 15 minutes.
When Do You Need to Pay for a NUANS Search?
In Ontario, you’ll need to pay for a NUANS Name Reservation Report if you plan to incorporate. If you’re planning to incorporate federally, you’ll need to pay for the Federal report.
The seven-page NUANS Name Reservation Report is a mandatory part of your application. If you don’t submit one, you can’t incorporate your business.
Business owners are protective of their business name, trade name, and trademarks. The NUANS Name Reservation Report can help business owners avoid conflicts.
What’s more is that the report can also help you choose a unique name. If you see that other businesses are already using your name, or something very similar, you may want to consider a different name. That way, you won’t risk losing business to companies with similar names.
When Don’t You Need a NUANS Report?
If you’re registering a sole proprietorship, then you don’t need to get a NUANS Name Reservation Report in Ontario.
You may still want to conduct a preliminary search. You may even want to go ahead and get the full NUANS report. As noted above, it can be beneficial for businesses to make sure they have a unique name, whether they’re incorporated or not.
How Long Is a NUANS Search Valid?
Keep in mind that a NUANS report is only good for 90 days. If you run the search but don’t incorporate within that time, you’ll need to conduct another search.
That means you’ll have to pay for a new report.
If you don’t incorporate within the 90 day period and need more time, you can order a new report to re-reserve the name for 90 more days. This can be repeated until you are ready to incorporate.
Get Started With a Free Search
Whether you’re ready to incorporate or just thinking about it, the NUANS Preliminary Search can be a great place to start.
Regardless of the business structure you intend to register, it’s an excellent first step on your journey to launching your business.