How to Brainstorm Business Names: Your Guide

Oct 19, 2021

Are you starting your own business? Becoming a business owner is thrilling, but there are a lot of steps to take before you start welcoming clients and customers.

While it might seem trivial, one of the most important things to do before you get started is coming up with a name for your business. You have to brainstorm business names before you establish a business plan, get solid investors, or create any marketing materials.

Your name is important. You want it to resonate with people and stick in their minds. You can’t just draw a name out of a hat and call it a day.

We’re here to offer some practical advice on how to find a business name that suits your goals. Keep reading to learn more.

Why Does a Great Name Matter?

Don’t underestimate the importance of a great business name. Your business name might be the first thing that potential customers, clients, and investors learn about you. You need to make sure that it makes an impact.

Your name is the first part of your brand and your brand image. Your brand image tells customers what to expect from you, even if they don’t recognize that.

A good brand or business name can take over the market. There are objects in your own house that have been dominated by a specific brand, even if the version that you own isn’t brand-name.

For example, do you have any Band-Aids in your first-aid kit? BAND-AID is actually a brand name, not the real name of the object. Unless you have BAND-AID brand items, you actually have bandages.

This is how important a good name can be. It’s so catchy that it becomes the default.

But how can you make sure that you’re getting a good one?

Do Your Research

Research is an essential part of your entire planning process. The path to finding the best name for your business starts with a bit of learning.

First research what makes a brand name good. Look at huge and successful corporations that have recognizable brands and names. Think of things like Apple or McDonald’s.

What is it about those names that makes them so appealing? Do major brand names have anything in common?

Then, look into your local competition or any competition within your niche. If you’re a small business with a brick-and-mortar location that focuses on a local audience, you need to check out other businesses within your city.

If you’re a small business that focuses on online customers, you have to explore a wider range of businesses because you have more in-niche competitors. Use a name search tool to see if your initial name idea is already taken.

You never want to copy another business. It will also make it harder for customers to find you if an established business has a similar name.

Try to figure out what makes those names so recognizable instead of copying them.

Be Practical

While catchiness is important, you need customers to know what it is that your business does. A great name won’t be helpful if it’s unidentifiable within your niche.

If you’re going to have a vague name (like a family name, for example), consider having a subheading that can pair with it. Consider the burger restaurant “Five Guys.” While the name itself doesn’t indicate that it’s fast food, the company added “Burgers and Fries” as a sort of “sub-name” to make it clear.

Aim for Something Catchy

After you have practicality covered, make sure that your name is catchy and memorable.

For most businesses, this means that you should keep it short. Long names are hard to remember. Your name won’t get around as quickly if people can’t remember or share it.

A quick and catchy name also makes it easier to find you on your various online profiles.

Ask for Advice

You shouldn’t try to do this on your own if it isn’t coming naturally to you. Why not ask for help from a professional?

There are a few directions that you can go with this. First, consider talking to marketing professionals. You may need professional marketers to help you get your business off the ground later on, but they can also help you brainstorm business name ideas.

You can also talk to other business owners. It’s always helpful to join a network of successful business owners and employers. Don’t always consider other businesses as competition, they might be able to help.

Consider Focus Groups

Once you have a small collection of names, it’s time to find the best business name for you. At this point, you and your fellow workers have already adapted to your names. You may not be able to look at them objectively.

Try assembling focus groups of friends or strangers to determine whether or not your name choices are suitable. You can ask them about how memorable the names are, how good they sound, and what people associate with the name.

This will give you a good idea of how outsiders (future customers) will interpret your brand name.

It’s Time to Brainstorm Business Names

Coming up with a name for your business is a lot of fun. When it’s time for you to brainstorm business names, use this guide to get the ball rolling.

With these tips and tricks, you’ll have the perfect name for your business in no time.



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